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Thinking of joining freemasonary ?



If you are particularly interested in Manor Lodge 4202, you can enquire by contacting the secretary at Manor Lodge via the contact page.


One step at a time in every journey, to become a Freemason, you need to take the first step.

A step that takes you through a voyage of discovery, not just about Freemasonry, but also about yourself.


As a Mason, you become part of a worldwide, diverse, and inclusive fraternity.

There are three steps to becoming a Master Mason each of which is celebrated with a special ceremony.


Starting as an Entered Apprentice, they usually take one or two years.


The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) oversees lodges in England, Wales, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands as well as some Districts overseas, while Scotland and Ireland – and many other countries as well as the States of the USA – have their own Grand Lodges.

For a man to be eligible to join he must be 18 or over regardless of ethnicity, political views, economic standing or religion, although he is expected to have faith.


A testimony from Bro Rob Nerthercott, describing his benefit from Freemasonry 


"My masonic journey started through my grandad and I did not know what masonry was, all my grandfather said, when in business and in life, always remember you can always trust a mason.


I joined 12 months ago and I haven't looked back, my social circle has grown tremendously and I have never been involved in something so rewarding and positive in my 49 years, I am a normal person running a business and I coach cricket and football kids under 9, we meet up once a month and I look forward to every meeting, the people I have met are more than close friends and I look forward to many happy years.


What has joining done for me, I had lots of things I have wanted to do but life gets in the way, I have been able to stand Infront of people and give a speech, I have improved my morales and understanding of local charities and how we as masons can help improve, I am also starting to learn the piano which I never thought I would do, but the masons has opened my eyes as to follow your dreams and try different things instead of being a mouse in a wheel."


Universities Scheme


Student engagement is at the heart of the Universities Scheme and remains a core priority for scheme Lodges and its members. The scheme gives members a great opportunity to make long-lasting friendships and increase their social interaction, especially if they are studying away from family and friends, as well as providing support and offering the right tools to build self-confidence and life skills that last far beyond their time at university.


Members also participate in Freshers’ Fairs at universities across the country, as well as working with student unions and university governing bodies.


During the course of its history, the Universities Scheme has continually helped to forge links between well-placed, enthusiastic Lodges and the many students and other young people who are seeking to become involved in Freemasonry, but who may not know where to begin. They will be involved in a young network and be able to interact with other like-minded students from all backgrounds and share experiences.


In the Province of Cheshire there are opportunities to join not one, but two University Scheme Lodges, University lodge of Chester, which meets at Queen Street, Chester, and Omnium Lodge which meets at Cheshire View Christleton. The University of Lodge of Chester has been established for over 10 years and has a well-established route for students to join and progress. Omnium Lodge is a new unique venture, its ambitions are to attract Open University alumni  and staff from all over England and Wales  who wish to join Freemasonry. The Lodge will eventually become peripatetic, meeting where and when to meet  the needs of joining members.


The Province of Cheshire also boasts one of only seven Holy Royal Arch Chapters in the Constitution of England and Wales that is affiliated to the Universities Scheme. St Mary’s Chapter which meets at Queen Street, Chester is an attractive proposition for those University Scheme Freemasons who have progressed sufficiently through the Craft Degrees and wish to extend their knowledge of The Holy Royal Arch.



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