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Manor Lodge (Wirral)


Is a vibrant and friendly lodge, part of the (Wirral) Cheshire Province, which was consecrated on the 3rd November 1920 and received its Warrant of Constitution on 26th February 1921.


It is one of nineteen similar Lodges that were established by Lord Leverhulme with the aim of helping to support men returning home from the trenches, we currently maintain this tradition as we have members from a military background.




We have over thirty members with a spread of ages between between 28 to 88, with the average age being 53, this provides us with a good mix of experience and enthusiasm. Our members have a diverse range of careers, including construction, engineering, IT, locksmiths, police officers and the armed forces.The members also have a diverse range of interests such as fishing, football, golf, music, rugby to name but a few.


As a lodge we can boast several members who have more than 50 years membership in the fraternity, so we must be doing something right.




The Lodge masonic year is from February, when we install a new the new Worshipful Master. The other seven meetings are usually ceremonial meetings to progress members through their masonic journey.

Full details of the meetings can be found on the meetings page.

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